- 28.01.2021 - Group member Marius Mihășan, PhD
talking on the local radio station about the problems
facing a researcher in Romania.
- 4.01.2020 - Group member Marius Mihășan,
PhD talking on the national radio station on the
Ad Astra pact on research
Marius Mihășan, membru al grupului de cercetare BioActive despre problemele cercetării în mediul universitar la Radio...
Posted by Identification and Characterization of Biological Active Molecules on Friday, December 4, 2020
- 25.11.2020 - Group member Lucian Hritcu, PhD
talking about his research at Researchers Night event, 2020
- 22.09.2020 - Group member Ștefan Marius, PhD
at an interview on the local television
- 2018 - Group member Marius Mihășan, PhD talking
about his Fulbright experience
From left to right: Assoc. prof. M.
Mihasan, Prof. Z. Olteanu, Prof.
Olubukola Babalola, Prof. M.M.
Zamfirache feeling as kids at the sight of giraffes
at the Mafikeng Game Reserve, SA, 2017.
From left to right: Prof. Z. Olteanu,
Assoc. prof. M. Mihasan, Prof. M.
Stefan, Prof. M.
Stefan discovering the potential of
Chinese science and academia at Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, 2017.
From left to right: Assoc. prof. L Hritcu, Assist. prof. M. Stefan and Assist. prof. M. Mihasan in Torino, Italy, at the 2011 FEBS meeting.