• 7th Bird Working Group (ICAZ) Meeting, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, August 27 – September 01, 2012 (coordinator).
• Session Don’t put your eggs in one basket: multi-disciplinary approach to the study of poultry exploatation in Europe, Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologist, Glasgow (UK), 2-5 septembrie 2015.
• 11th Working Bones research Group (International Council of Archaeozoology) Meeting, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, 23-28 mai 2016, Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi.
• The 10-th International Meeting on Phytolith Research, 12- 14.09.2016, Aix en Provence, France, Salt spring from Halabutoaia (Neamt, Romania): contribution of phytoliths analysis to reconstruction of paleoenvironment and human activities, Mihaela Danu, Claire Delhon, Olivier Weller.
• World Archaeological Congress – WAC-8 Kyoto, Japan, 28.08 – 2.09.2016, Holocene land use to the East of Carpathians: archaeobotanical and archaeozoological evaluation of Cucuteni settlements (Chalcolithic, 4500-3500 CAL. BC), Luminita Bejenaru, Mihaela Danu, George Bodi.
• World Archaeological Congress – WAC-8 Kyoto, Japan, 28.08 – 2.09.2016, Reconstructing Chalcolithic diets using plant and animal remains discovered in Eastern Romania, Luminița Bejenaru, Mihaela Danu, Simina Rafailă-Stanc.
• World Archaeological Congress – WAC-8 Kyoto, Japan, 28.08 – 2.09.2016, Reconstructing the Eneolithic paleo-environment from Northeastern Romania by means of archaeobotanical analysis, Andrei Asăndulesei, Mihaela Danu, Felix-Adrian Tencariu.
• Central and Eastern Europe Paleoscience Symposium: From Local to Global, Cluj-Napoca, România, 23-24.05.2016, Landscape transformations and archaeological settlements in the Upper Danube Delta during Early to Middle Holocene: a palaeoecological insight, Laurent Carozza, Jean-Michel Carozza, Erwan Messager, Mihaela Danu, Albane Burens, Cristian Micu.
• Central and Eastern Europe Paleoscience Symposium: From Local to Global, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 23-24.05.2016, Interactions between humans and environment in Middle Holocene: comparative study of two Chalcolithic sites to the East of Carpathians, Mihaela Danu, George Bodi, Luminița Bejenaru.
• Colloque Q10 AFEQ CNF-INQUA 2016 « „Paléoclimats et environnements quaternaires, quoi de neuf sous le soleil? ”, Bordeaux, Franta, 16-18.02.2016, Aeolian erosion around the Gulf of Lion during the Upper Pleistocene and the Late Glacial: insight from enclosed depressions, Jean-Michel Carozza, Laurent Carozza, Mihaela Danu, Elodie Faure, Mélodie David; http://www.ephe-paleoclimat.com/ColloqueQ10/accueil.htm
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