Analysis of biological remains found in archaeological sites
• faunal remains (Archaeozoology);
• vegetable macroremains, pollen, phytolites (Archaebotany);
• human skeletal remains (Paleoanthropology, Palaeohistology);
Paleozoology and evolutionary biology.
• Project PN II, Idei, cod CNCSIS 2116/2009-2011, Modelling of the Neolithic migrations in the eastern and south-eastern territories of Romania, from an archaeozoological perspective, Director Luminiţa Bejenaru PhD.
• PN II, Resurse umane, TE, 2011-2014, Relationships between humans and suines in prehistorical and historical time on Romania`s territory and connection with European and Asian spaces, Director Margareta Simina RAFAILĂ PhD.
• GI-2015-01 internal grant (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi): “Archaeobotanical research regarding food and agropastoralism, in Neolithic, to the East of Carpathians”, 01.12.2015 – 30.11.2016, Director Mihaela Danu PhD.
• CNCS - UEFISCDI PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-2234: Non-destructive approaches to complex archaeological sites. An integrated applied research model for cultural heritage management, Director Andrei Asăndulesei PhD;
• CNCS PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0982 project: Human and environment co-evolution patterns in the wetland area of Balta Ialomitei, Director Dragomir Nicolae Popovici PhD; (2011 - 2016)
• CNCSIS TE 172/2010 project: Integrated analysis of archaeological, pedological, palynological and archaeozoological data from Neo-Eneolitihic sites from Eastern Romania, 2010-2013, Director George Bodi PhD.
• PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0852, Colonizarea periferiei (Moesia Inferior și Scythia Minor, secolele I-VI p.Hr.): o abordare bioarheologică a romanizării, 2016-2019, Director Dr. M.S. Stanc.
• GAR-UM-2019-II-2.1-16/15.10.2019, 2019-2021, Istoria scrisă pe dinți: starea de sănătate, dieta și diversitatea morfometrică în unele populații preistorice din estul României.
• PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-1180, 2022-2024, Bioarheologia tranziției de la Evul Mediu la Epoca Modernă, la est de Carpați: orașe emergente din zona de contact dintre Occident și Orient.
• PN-II-CT-RO-FR-2012-1-0092 project - Programme “Hubert Curien (PHC) - Brâncuşi” Archéologie du delta du Danube : un rétro-observatoire des changements sociaux – environnementaux, Director Albane Burens PhD (GEODE - Toulouse) & Ailincai Sorin PhD (ICEM Tulcea) (2013-2014).
• Mission archéologique «Delta du Danube». Société et environnement dans le delta du Danube – Territoire des Hommes, Territoire de l’Eau, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes, France, Director Laurent Carozza PhD; (2011-).
• Exploitations pré- et protohistoriques des sources salées de Moldavie, Division des Sciences Sociales et de l’Archéologie, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes – France, Director Olivier Weller PhD (2008-).
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