Visiting students
Mirrored tools
Vintage science
Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans (formerly Arthrobacter nicotinovorans, Arthrobacter oxidans) is a coryneform bacteria able to grow on nicotine as sole carbon and nitrogen source due to the presence of the 165 kb megaplasmid pAO1. The megaplasmid was sequenced and contains 2 major gene clusters: one related to nicotine metabolism and a second cluster forming an operon related to sugar catabolism.
pAO1 catabolic megaplasmid of Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans (shades
of blue - genes related to nicotine uptake and utilization,
green - xylose catabolism related genes, red - recombination
related genes, white - unknown function)
I am mainly focused on the molecular biology of the pAO1 megaplasmid related to the defense mechanism against nicotine-generated oxidative stress, sugar-catabolism and biotechnological applications.
Using a unique
combination of BLAST searches, protein modeling and in-silico
docking I identified putative substrates for the pAO1 coded
sugar-operon. The selected compounds were experimentally tested
and xylose was identified as the physiological substrate.
operon coding for a oxidative xylose-catabolic pathway on
the pAO1 megaplasmid.
In the last
couple of years I
focused on the possible
medical applications of the nicotine-derivatives produced by Paenarthrobacter
Using in-silico docking experiments, we tested the
potential of nicotine and piridine derivatives produces by
this bacteria to bind nAchR and identified 6-Hydroxy-Nicotine
(6HNic) as a potential ligand. In
collaboration with dr.
Lucian Hritcu we showed
that indeed 6HNic is
able to modulate the function of nAChRs and sustain
spatial memory formation in a rat model of Alzheimer’s
disease. Currently we are working on a biotechnological
method to produce and isolate 6HNic using a genetically
engineered Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans

Growing Paenarthrobacter
in a 3L micro-fermenter.
48 hour of growth accelerated in 1 min and 30 secs thanks to PhD Eugen Ungureanu
The latest projects involves the proteomics, transcriptomics and genomic analysis of Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans pAO1 and its nicotine degradation pathway. Till now, the lab has produced several relevant datasets:
the first complete and annotated genome of an nicotine-degrading bacteria Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans ATCC 49199: GenBank CP089293 and CP089294, as well as the associated raw data: PRJNA693273
a transcriptomics data-set dealing with the nicotine metabolism in Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans ATCC 49199: Gene Expression Omnibus GSE240220
a shotgun proteomics dataset that identifies the proteins expressed by Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans in the presence of nicotine by using nanoLCMSMS PXD008756
another shotgun proteomics dataset that performs a time-based analysis of the nicotine catabolism in Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans - PXD012577
PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0656, Sequencing the genome of a useful bacteria: Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans – next step in extending it’s biotechnological applications
PN-III-P2-2.1-TE-2016-0367 - Developing an Arthrobacter nicotinovorans biotechnology for neuro-pharmaceuticals production
PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0177 - Steps towards an Arthrobacter nicotinovorans biotechnology for neuro-pharmaceuticals production
PN-II 50BM/2016 - Romania - P.R.P. China joint research project - Nicotine - from toxic residue to metabolic derivatives with neuroprotective effects
PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0106 – Effects of 6-hydroxy-nicotine on chlorisondamine-induced oxidative stress and neurotoxicity: relevance for Alzheimer’s disease
GI-2014-02 – Internal Research grant awarded by the Alexandru I Cuza University of Ia?i
TD-236 research grant, Molecular implications of the pAO1 megaplasmid for the Arthrobacter nicotinovorans
PD-337 research grant, Cloning and characterization of ORF32 and ORF40 from the pAO1 megaplasmid of Arthrobacter nicotinovorans -potential protein-tagatose interactions models
Selected publications
published in the last 5 years
- Postu, P.A.; Boiangiu, R.S.; Mihasan, M.; Stache, A.B.; Tiron, A.; Hritcu, L. The Distinct Biological Effects of 6-Hydroxy-L-Nicotine in Representative Cancer Cell Lines. Molecules 2024, 29, 5593. [Free Fulltext]
- Brinza,
I., Boiangiu,
R. S.,
Mihasan, M.,
Gorgan, D. L.,
Stache, A. B.,
A., El-Nashar,
H., Ayoub, I.,
Mostafa, N.,
Eldahshan, O.,
Singab, A. N.,
& Hritcu,
L. (2024).
ether and
induced in
(Danio rerio)
model by
increasing the
expression of
bdnf, npy,
egr-1, nfr2α,
and creb1
genes. European
Journal of
984, 177013
- Boiangiu,
R.S.; Brinza,
I.; Honceriu,
I.; Mihasan,
Hritcu, L.
Insights into
Activities of
Nicotine and
a Bacterial
Derivative: A
2024, 14, 23.
- El-Sabeh,
A., Mlesnita,
AM., Munteanu,
IT. .... Mihasan
of the
ATCC 49919
genome and
of several
harbouring a
cluster. BMC
Genomics 24,
536 (2023). [Free
- Pérez-Ramos,
A.; Ladjouzi,
R.; Mihasan,
M.; Teiar,
R.; Benachour,
A.; Drider, D.
Advances in
the Transport
Systems of and
Resistance to
EntDD14, A
with Potent
Activity. Int.
J. Mol.
Sci. 2023,
24, 1517. [Free
- Amada El-Sabeh, Iasmina Honceriu, Fakhri Kallabi, Razvan-Stefan Boiangiu, Marius Mihasan - Complete Genome Sequences of Two Closely Related Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans Strains. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2022; 11(6):e0013322. doi: 10.1128/mra.00133-22. [Fulltext]
- Madi-Moussa,
D.; Deracinois, B.; Teiar, R.;
Li, Y.; Mihasan, M.;
Flahaut, C.; Rebuffat, S.;
Coucheney, F.; Drider, D.
Structure of Lacticaseicin 30
and Its Engineered Variants
Revealed an Interplay between
the N-Terminal and C-Terminal
Regions in the Activity against
Gram-Negative Bacteria. Pharmaceutics
2022, 14, 1921.
doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics14091921 [Fulltext] - Postu, P.A.; Mihasan, M.; Gorgan, D.L.; Sadiki, F.Z.; El Idrissi, M.; Hritcu, L. Pinus halepensis Essential Oil Ameliorates Aβ1-42-Induced Brain Injury by Diminishing Anxiety, Oxidative Stress, and Neuroinflammation in Rats. Biomedicines 2022, 10, 2300. doi:10.3390/biomedicines10092300 [Fulltext]
- Mihasan M., Boiangiu R.S., Guzun D., Babii C., Aslebagh R., Channaveerappa D., Dupree D., Darie CC. Time-dependent analysis of Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans pAO1 nicotine-related proteome. ACS Omega 2021, 6, 22, 14242–14251 [Fulltext]
- Mihasan,
M. A Beginner’s Guideline
for Low?cost 3D Printing of
Macromolecules Usable for
Teaching and Demonstration.
Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 2021,
bmb.21493. [Fulltext]
- Postu,
P. A.; Tiron, A.; Tiron, C. E.;
Gorgan, D. L.; Mihasan, M.;
Hritcu, L. Conifer Essential
Oils Reversed Amyloid Beta1-42
Action by Modulating BDNF and
ARC Expression in The Rat
Hippocampus. CNS Neurol. Disord.
- Drug Targets 2021, 20. [Fulltext]
- Boiangiu,
R. S.; Mihasan, M.;
Gorgan, D. L.; Stache, B. A.;
Hritcu, L. Anxiolytic,
Anti-Acetylcholinesterase and
Antioxidant Effects of Cotinine
and 6-Hydroxy-L-Nicotine in
Scopolamine-Induced Zebrafish
(Danio Rerio) Model of
Alzheimer’s Disease.
Antioxidants 2021, 10 (2), 212.
- Brandsch, R and Mihasan M, A soil bacterial catabolic pathway on the move: Transfer of nicotine catabolic genes between Arthrobacter genus megaplasmids and invasion by mobile elements, Journal of Biosciences, 2020, 45, 1-12 [Fulltext]
- Djeussi,
D. E.; Noumedem, J. A. K.; Mihasan,
M.; Kuiate, J. R.; Kuete,
V. Antioxidant Activities of
Methanol Extracts of Thirteen
Cameroonian Antibacterial
Dietary Plants. J. Chem. 2020,
2020. [Free
Dupree EJ,
Jayathirtha M, Yorkey H, Mihasan
Petre BA,
Darie CC,
A Critical Review of Bottom-Up
Proteomics: The Good, the Bad,
and the Future of this Field,
Proteomes, 2020, 8 (3), 14 [Fulltext]
- Boiangiu
Mihasan M, Gorgan DL,
Stache BA, Petre BA, Hritcu L.,
Cotinine and
6-Hydroxy-L-Nicotine Reverses
Memory Deficits and Reduces
Oxidative Stress in
A?25-35-Induced Rat Model of
Alzheimer’s Disease,
Antioxidants, 2020, 9(8), 768 [Fulltext]
- Mih??an
M, Babii C, Aslebagh R,
Channaveerappa D, Dupree EJ,
Darie CC. Exploration of
Nicotine Metabolism in
Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans
pAO1 by Microbial Proteomics.
In: Woods AG, Darie CC, editors.
Advancements of Mass
Spectrometry in Biomedical
Research, vol. 1140 of Advances
in Experimental Medicine and
Biology. 2019. p. 515–29. [Fulltext]
- Mih??an M, Wormwood KL, Sokolowska I, Roy U, Woods AG, Darie CC. Mass Spectrometry- and Computational Structural Biology-Based Investigation of Proteins and Peptides. In: Woods AG, Darie CC, editors. Advancements of Mass Spectrometry in Biomedical Research, vol. 1140 of Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2019. p. 265–87.[Fulltext]
The full list of publications is available here
Posters/Presentations in the last 5 years
- Marius Mihasan A Guideline for 3D Printing Macromolecular Models on the Cheap, Molecular Life Sciences Education and Training Conference, March 20-23, 2024, Antalya, Turcia [Photo] [Photo] [Poster]
- Mihășan Marius; Boiangiu Răzvan-Ștefan; Popa Laura Nicoleta, Impact Of 3D-printed molecular models on teaching protein and DNA structure, Natural Sciences in the Dialog of Generations VIIth Edition, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Chișinău, Rep. Moldova, 12-13.09.2024 [Photo] [Photo][Presentation]
- R.S.
Boiangiu, M.
Impact of
models on
teaching – a
for human
health and
- Marius Mihășan, Putting molecules from the computer screen into students’ hands using 3D printing. Education work-shop Promoting visual literacy in bio-molecular sciences education, Bucharest, 24 September 2024; [Photo] [Photo] [Presentation]
- El-Sabeh,
A., Mlesnita,
AM., Munteanu,
IT. .... Mihasan
M., A
cluster is
present in
Nationale de
Biochimie si
Cluj, Romania,
- Marius Mihășan, Abdelrahman Mohamed Taha Mahmoud, Putting figures from Lehninger’s textbook on the table using 3D printing47th FEBS Congress – ‘Together in bioscience for a better future’, Tours, France, 8th - 12th July 2023, [Poster].
- El-Sabeh,
A., Mlesnita,
AM., Munteanu,
IT. .... Mihasan
M., A
cluster is
present in
strains, 47th
FEBS Congress
– ‘Together in
bioscience for
a better
France, 8th -
12th July
2023, [Photo]
- Mihasan Marius - Full omics caracterisation of a bacteria. Case study - Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans pAO1 and its nicotine metabolism, Salerno University, Host Assoc. Prof. Anna Maraboti, May 26, 2023 [Presentation]
- Mihasan Marius - 3D printed macromolecular models usable for teaching and demonstration, Salerno University, Host Assoc. Prof. Anna Maraboti, May 26, 2023 [Photo] [Photo] [Presentation]
- Mihasan Marius - Multi-omics characterisation of nicotine metabolism in Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans, The 2023 RoBioinfo Conference, 11th-13th May 2023, [Photo] [Photo] [Presentation]
- Mihasan Marius - Steps towards the multi-omics characterization of nicotine metabolism in Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans ATC 49919, Smart Diaspora 2023, Timisoara, 10th-13th April 2023 [Presentation]
- Mihasan Marius - Lessons learned from 3D printing macromolecular models for teaching and demonstration- The IUBMB-FEBS-PABMB 2022 Congress - The Global Biochemistry Summit, 9-14 July 2022, Lisabona, Portugal, Best Education section poster award by SPB [Photo] [Photo] [Photo] [Photo] [Poster]
- I.T. Munteanu, A.M. Mleșnița, F. Kallabi, M. Mihașan - In silico evaluation of antibiotic resistance and CRISPR systems of Paenarthrobater nicotinovorans - The IUBMB-FEBS-PABMB 2022 Congress - The Global Biochemistry Summit, 9-14 July 2022, Lisabona, Portugal*
- A. El-Sabeh, I. Honceriu, F. Kallabi, R. Boiangiu, M. Mihașan - Genome sequence of Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans strain ATCC 49919, a nicotine- degrading soil microorganism, The IUBMB-FEBS-PABMB 2022 Congress - The Global Biochemistry Summit, 9-14 July 2022, Lisabona, Portugal*
- Amada El-Sabeh, I. Honceriu, F. Kallabi, R. Boiangiu, M. Mihășan. - Complete genome sequence of the well-studied nicotine-degrading microorganism Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans strain ATCC 49919, FEMS Conference on Microbiology, June 29 - July 2nd, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia [Photo] [Poster]
- Mihasan M., Boiangiu R.S., Guzun D., Babii C., Aslebagh R., Channaveerappa D., Dupree D., Darie CC. - Proteome-wide analysis of Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans ATCC 49919 nicotine- metabolism, FEMS Conference on Microbiology, June 29 - July 2nd, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia [Photo] [Poster]
- Mihasan
Boiangiu R.S.,
Guzun D.,
Babii C.,
Aslebagh R.,
D., Dupree D.,
Darie CC.,
and regulation
of nicotine
metabolism in
as revealed by
70th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 5-9 2022, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA [Photo] [Photo] [Poster] - Mihasan, M. 3D printed macromolecular models usable for teaching and demonstration Marmara University, Host Dr. Beste Turanli June 2022, Istanbul, Turkey [Photo] [Photo]
- Mihasan, M. Full omics characterization of a bacteria. Case study - Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans pAO1 and its nicotine metabolism, Marmara University, Host Dr. Beste Turanli June 2022, Istanbul, Turkey [Photo] [Photo]
- Mihasan, M. Full omics characterization of a bacteria. Case study - Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans pAO1 and its nicotine metabolism, Clarkson University, Host Dr. Costel C. Darie, June 2022, Potsdam, NY, USA, [Flyer] [Photo] [Presentation]
- Mihasan, M., Genome sequencing as a tool to unlock the full biotechnological potential of bacteria, Clarkson University, School of Arts & Sciences, Walsh Seminar Series, Host Dr. Costel C. Darie, April 2022, Potsdam, NY, USA, Virtual [Flyer] [Presentation]
- Mihasan, M. 3D printed macromolecular models usable for teaching and demonstration, November 2020, Lille, France [Photo] [Photo] [Presentation]
- Mihasan, M. A guideline for 3D printing of macromolecular models on the cheap, EMBL Conference: Bringing Molecular Structure to Life: 50 Years of the PDB, 20 - 22 October 2021, Virtual, [Poster]
- Mihasan
Marius - Mihasan
M - Using
models for a
education in
Life Sciences,
October 2021,
Iasi, Romania,
- Mihasan Marius, F. Kallabi - Draft genome of a useful bacteria - Paenarthrobacter nicotinovorans, The 45th FEBS Congress - Molecules of Life: Towards new horizons, 2-8 July, 2021, Virtual, [Poster]
- Mihasan
Marius -
guideline for
3D printing of
models on the
cheap, The
45th FEBS
Congress -
Molecules of
Life: Towards
new horizons,
2-8 July,
Virtual, [Poster]
- Mihasan, M. A guideline for 3D Printing of macromolecular models on the cheap, PDB50: A special symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Protein Data Bank, May 4, 2021 - May 5, 2021, Virtual [Poster] [Poster presentation]
- Mihasan, M., 3D printed macromolecular models usable for teaching and demonstration, Clarkson University, School of Arts & Sciences, Walsh Seminar Series, Host Dr. Costel C. Darie, April 2021, Potsdam, NY, USA, Virtual [Flyer] [Presentation]
- Mihasan M., Brandsch R., Steps towards revealing the evolution of nicotine catabolic gene clusters in Arthrobacters, EMBO conference Molecular Mechanisms in Evolution and Ecology, 30 September - 2nd October 2020, Virtual, [Poster]
- Mihasan
M, Babii C, Aslebagh R,
Channaveerappa D, Dupree EJ, Darie CC.
Proteomic Analysis of Nicotine
Metabolism in Paenarthrobacter
Nicotinovorans, Eastern Analytical
Symposium, November 16-19, 2020 [Presentation
- Darie
CC, Dupree
EJ, Jayathirtha M, Yorkey H, Mihasan
M, Petre BA, Proteomics: The Good,
the Bad, and the Future of this Field, Eastern
Analytical Symposium, November 16-19,
2020 [Presentation
*Talks and posters presented by coordinated students.
PhD students
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Amada El-Sabeh, 2021 - Omics characterisation of nicotine metabolism in P. nicotinovorans ATCC 49199 |
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Munteanu Iustin Tiberius, 2022 - Biotechnology for producing nicotine derivatives |
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Mlesnita Andreea-Mihaela,2024 - Exploration of soil microbiome using omics tools |
Dr. Costel C. Darie Biochemistry and Proteomics Group, Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA - kindly accepted me as a Fulbright Fellow for 6 month and provided lab space, reagents, instruments for solving the nicotine induced proteome of Arthrobacter nicotinovorans

Dr. Darie's group after an
department seminar, spring 2017. From left to right Dr. Darie,
Kelly W., Roshi A., Devika C., Emma D. and Mr.
Mihasan wearing the pig T-shirt.
Dr. Hongzhi Tang (Robert) and Dr. Fei Tao, Group for Food & Environmental Micro-Biotechnol, State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism, School of Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
From left to right, Dr. Fei Tao, Hritcu L., Olteanu Z., Stefan M, me, and Dr. Hongzhi Tang on the extreme right.
The group of prof. dr. Roderich Brandsch, Institut für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie kindly provided the Arthrobacter nicotinovorans pAO1+ and pAO1- strains, as well as various other E.coli strains, plasmids and reagents. The pAO1 megaplamid was sequenced by this group, so they also provided valuable information regarding the molecular biology of this catabolic plasmid.
Prof. dr. Roderich Brandsch
explaining his art concept, September 2010, Freiburg (from
left to right: dr. Marius Mihasan, prof. dr. Roderich
Brandsch, dr. Eugen Ungureanu)
All enzymes assays, enzyme kinetics and sugar biochemistry problems are solved with the help of prof. dr. Vlad Artenie, Alexandru I Cuza University, Faculty of Biology
Most of the microbiology related details and practical work involved in this project are closely discussed with associate professor habil. dr. Marius Stefan, Alexandru I Cuza University, Faculty of Biology.
Marius Stefan performing a CASP-3 assay, December 2010, Iasi.
Most of the problems dealing with manuscript writing ans submitting, neuroreceptors and transmitters are solved with the help of associate professor habil. dr. Lucian Hritcu

Last man standing - dr. Lucian Hritcu the last to leave the Auditorium at the EMBO Meeting 2011, Vienna, Austria
All bunch of adminstrative matters, as well as basic chemistry problems are closely discussed with associate professor dr. Zenovia Olteanu
Visiting students
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Jaurès AK Noumedem, PhD student, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon, AUF ''Eugen Ionescu'' scholarship, 2011 | Julie Reghem, master student, DUT “Genie Biologique”, ABB – Lille, Erasmus Placements, 2013 | Victor Baumont, Bsc student, DUT “Genie Biologique”, ABB – Lille, Erasmus Placements, 2015 |
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Fakhri Kallabi, PostDoc, University of SFAX, Tunisia, AUF ''Eugen Ionescu'' scholarship, 2020 |
Funding organisations for romanian universities and postgraduate research programmes:
The National Authority for Scientific Research: ANCS
Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation: UEFISCDI
homology and molecular docking software:
Comparative Microbial Genomics BioTools - CMGBiotools
open-source, modular, flexible, molecular modelling and visualization environment - OpenStructure
A fully automated protein structure homology-modeling server and model validation - SWISS-MODEL
An alternative way to access and interact with SWISS-MODEL - DeepView (Swiss Pdb-Viewer)
Homology or comparative modeling of protein three-dimensional structures, runs locally only via command line (no GUI) - MODELLER
A graphical user interface to Modeller program - MINT
Automatted homology modelling, flexible protein-protein docking and model validation BISKIT
A extensible program for interactive visualization, editing and analysis of molecular structures - UCSF Chimera
Graphical tool for computational protein engineering, mainly site-directed mutagenesis - TRITON
Docking program and tools that must be run localy in a command line DOCK 6
Suite of automated docking tools - AutoDock and its free GUI - ADT
The new and significantly improved in the average accuracy of the binding mode predictions as well as speed AutoDock Vina
One of the most popular programs for molecular visualization - PyMOL with impressive extensibility using various plug-ins:
performing and visualising docking results with AutoDock/Vina,
visualization of substrate pathways and entrance tunnels in protein structures CAVER
visualization of pockets and voids in protein structures detected by CASTp
create animations and movies with molecular structures - eMovie -
Bootable, self-configuring system for virtual screening using AutoDock4/Vina - MOLA
software and Linux:
Comparative Microbial Genomics BioTools - CMGBiotools
The swiss army of bioinformatics workstations - Bio-linux
A project that aims to develop Debian into an operating system well fit for the requirements for medical practice and biomedical research Debian Med
collection of open-source applications for life scientists and an in-house project at Bioinformatics.Org BioBrew
A nice commentary on Open software for biologists
Databases and other usefull links:
On-line methods collection: Protocol on-line
European Bioinformatics Institute: EMBL-EBI
Medline at NIH: PubMed
Central European Science Publishers: Versita
World Wide Protein Structure Database: wwPDB and its european partner PDBe
DNA and protein Sequnce Manipulation Suite: on its original website SMS or mirored by this website SMS2
sciences related comercial companies:
Pharmacia Biotech: Amersham Pharmacia
Sigma-Aldrich: Sigma-Aldrich
Stratagene: Stratagene
New England Biolab: NEB - very good restriction digest program
Bio-Rad: BioRad
Romanian reseller for various life-science companies BioZyme